Bradfield – Australia 2025

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  1. Andy Yin is pushing pretty hard right policies – which is no surprise – he is the furthest most right candidate in the contest. He states that proudly. His slogan is a load of nonsense, Sadly, any Labor leaning Chinese voters that fall for it will be voting against the positions they really support, and there will be some

    @Dan M, he will send (recommend) his preferences to Boele – that’s why he is in the race.

    @Leon – agree – many do, but I’m not thinking they are generally the Labor inclined chinese voters. Can’t see him having many booths covered on election day, but he will flood the chatswood ones. Notably the large Chatswood booths will be joint booths with Bennelong, so its going to be a pile one..

  2. – Slogan is “not right not left just forwards”
    – Policies are hard right
    – Preferences Boele who is further from “hard right” than at least Kapterian
    Looks like things are everywhere with Yin if all are true

  3. He’s a former Liberal who seems to be running due to a grudge, so it’s not that surprising if all those are true.

  4. Andy Yin tried to get preselection for the state seat of Strathfield. He missed out on preselection and then made a formal complaint alleging it had something to do with his race.

    He appears to be a blow-in who doesn’t live in Bradfield. I wonder why he isn’t running in Reid which is two electorates away. Maybe he’s a spoiler candidate with a grudge against the Liberals as some of you suggested.

    I’ve noticed that the Liberal branches in Reid have had issues in recent years with ex-Liberals running as independents or quitting loudly.

  5. I work in Chatswood. The main strip is full of Andy Yin signs with only 1 Gisele sign as far as I remember… I wouldn’t be surprised if the Chatswood booths and suburbs with a reasonably high Asian population (like Pymble) have a larger than expected proportion of votes for Andy Yin, as they (from the “feel” of the area) would not be as inclined to vote for either Gisele (due to Dutton) or Boelle (who hasn’t campaigned that hard to the Asian community).

    Judging by his history with the Liberal Party in Strathfield, I would suggest that his preferences will mostly go to Nicolette Boele – which might actually cost the Liberals the seat as a result. Gisele should be fighting harder to make stronger inroads with the Chinese community if she wants to win in my opinion.

  6. @Wombater
    Out of all the seats where the Chinese population could be the voting bloc to determine the final results, I was not expecting Bradfield. This probably adds a bit more motivation for me to find out how the Chinese-Australian community views the Liberals and Dutton and whether they’ll go back to voting for them.

    Ik u openly support the Liberals and have stated something along the lines of the Liberals regaining support with the Chinese community given that seats with a high Chinese population like Aston, Bennelong and Chisholm are going to be Liberal gains; however I’m a bit more cautious on how I’d answer this question given that Dutton’s past hawkish comments on China can easily be dug up during campaigning and at least within my circle of friends and family (wow the guy from Tangney is Chinese?!), they’re still distrustful of Dutton and the Liberals.

    I think that due the fact that Andy Yin is well known and potentially popular (idk if frequency of signs are a good indicator of a candidate’s popularity) amongst the Chinese community in Bradfield and has directed his preferences to Boele (most of whom are probably going to preference Boele over Kapterian according to Wombater), I’m reconsidering whether Bradfield would be an LNP retain or a IND gain in my predictions.

  7. @Westie same here. I was not expecting Bradfield to be one of the electorates that would be influenced heavily by the Chinese Australian community, however due to the nature of the electorate (LIB v IND) both candidates in the 2PP would be heavily reliant on preferences. This is where Andy Yin comes into play – just like how Lupton’s preferences to the Liberals basically cost the Greens their seat in Prahran. They both (Lupton and Yin) capture a group that wouldn’t really vote for either party – that’s why their preferences matter so much.

    How I see it – there are more conservative Chinese Australians (e.g. Banks, Chisholm, Aston, Bennelong) who only swung away from the Coalition due to their livelihoods being actively threatened by the Morrison Government at the time. Not only were many Asian Australians being targeted and abused due to the anti-China sentiment that Morrison did nothing about, the constant hostility with China economically also tightened up Australian Chinese trade relations which directly affected this group of business-conscious, conservative Chinese Australians. Yes, Dutton is not innocent – however, the economic trade war with China has eased up under Albanese, and Morrison was largely seen as the cause of the problems that Australia had with China.

    On the other hand, there are the more Labor-leaning Chinese Australians, in seats like Tangney, Reid and Barton. However, in Bradfield, the rise of a prominent Asian candidate has completely changed the Bradfield game in terms of voting patterns. In my opinion, I think that many Chinese Australians in the Bradfield electorate do not really see themselves very well represented by Gisele – although she may be pro-business, she is no Alan Tudge or David Coleman in the sense that these two MPs actively worked with and for the community as a whole.

    Like you, I am now seriously reconsidering the LIB vs IND toss up, as I did not expect Andy Yin to get this much traction/coverage in such a short time.

    I really appreciate your interest in the Chinese Australian community and how they vote, so thank you 🙂

  8. I wonder how many of the people that give testimonials on Andy Yins website know that they are being used. Tony Abbott, Andrew Stoner, the Principal of Pymble Ladies College, former minister Geoff Lee. I think a few ‘cease and desist’ letters might start flying soon.

  9. According to his Linkedin page, Andy Yin is still president of the Five Dock branch of the Liberal Party. Is he a stalking horse for the Libs?

  10. @Wambater – Bradfield is a 3 way contest (Ben has updated his candidate list).

    The Chatswood booth were very much Liberal v Labor contests in 2022.

    I wouldn’t overplay Andy Yin influence – he has a few signs up. Not a big deal. We are talking about it on here by no one else is.

    @redistributed. he told me to my face tat he had resigned from the Liberals, but he is very a stalking horse for one side of the Libs. I doubt it will be long before the whole charade comes out into the open.

  11. Nicolette Boele, said on her socials, she has 1000 volunteers.

    Based on what I’ve heard and seen, Boele has been quite Ku-Ring-Gai-focused. She’s from there and also campaign there, not just in 2022 but also ever since. Some commentators called her a “shadow member for Bradfield”. The southern part only got added in due to the redistribution.

    The Chatswood/Willoughby part is interesting. I’m not sure if Kylea Tink was a popular MP this term and whether her voters will convert to Boele voters.

    “Boelle (who hasn’t campaigned that hard to the Asian community).” – Wombater.
    I agree. It seems like she hasn’t connected all that well with the ethnic Chinese and Korean communities. This is where I think the Liberals have an edge over her.

  12. Votante- I live in this electorate.
    Boelle’s volunteers have been very active at railway stations,smaller shopping venues and community centres.
    It should be noted that they are all retired and white.I have been approached by her volunteers about 15 time already-compared to about half that by Liberal volunteers.
    There have been swings away from the Liberals of 15.2% over 2 elections,so notwithstanding the effort being made,she has her work cut out to obtain any further swing.
    Mick Quinlivan-the loss of the sitting member may mean an improvement in the Liberal vote in my view.Fletcher was not popular.

  13. I’d say it’s more likely then not that Boelle wins this seat over the Liberals.

    3.2% margin, retiring incumbent and Dutton is extremely unpopular in affluent, socially liberal seats like this. I think the Liberal primary vote will hold up but I think Boelle will win.

  14. @AB23 – How’s she going to win if the Liberal primary vote holds up? She already got a strong rate of preferences last time…

    @Sabena – seems like there are several of us that live in this electorate. There comes a point – pretty early – where being approached by campaign volunteers that many times just pisses people off.

    @Votante – basically agreed. People in Willoughby Council already invested in Tink – now they have to transfer to another IND – may not happen at neat 100%. She does come across as very upper north shore

  15. @Sabena @High Street, There’s 1000 of them as I mentioned. I believe Zali Steggall had over 1000 volunteers as well in 2019. I’m not surprised by the over-promotion in Bradfield. I get that it’s a marginal seat and her volunteers are out there and enthusiastic but when overdone it would piss people off.


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